A New Chapter: Welcoming Baby Olivia

A short and sweet announcement: Join me in welcoming my beautiful daughter, Olivia Wren, to the world.

I can’t believe I’m writing this, but here we are…I’m now a mother.

This past June brought an unexpected, beautiful change into my life. Becoming a mother was something I never truly envisioned for myself. Not that I was anti-child or uninterested in having kids, but when I pictured my future, I saw myself exploring remote regions of the world, meeting my heroes, or even solving world peace. Motherhood just never fit into that mental image. My family felt the same way.

But here I am, with a beautiful daughter named Olivia, and life will literally never be the same.

The most surprising part of it all is how natural it feels and how much I love it! There’s nothing in this entire world I’d rather do than just stare at her – even when she’s having a meltdown. That’s it. That’s all I need. I can die happy now.

While I’ll share my birth story and more about this stage in life one day, today is not that day. Today’s message is simple: I’m a mom, I have a healthy daughter, and my life has changed for the better.

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